This is Photojournalist Fred G. Haseney with his eye on scientology. For today’s blog, I’m not reporting from the Pacific Area Command Base (“PAC Base” or “Big Blue”), the so-called “church” of scientology’s West Coast headquarters, in Los Angeles. I’m writing to you, instead, from my residence. I thank my lucky stars that I still have a roof over my head because scientology would rather shut me up or see me without a place to live.

Why? What happened? What are the specifics? Who did what? Who is the “who” behind it all?

On Monday, May 2, 2016, a day after someone from scientology called the police on me during a silent protest on L. Ron Hubbard Way (“LRH Way”) at PAC Base, someone showed up where I live, and spoke to the person in charge. This is how her business card reads:

Church of Scientology in Los Angeles
Janet Weiland
1308 L. Ron Hubbard Way
Los Angeles, CA 90027

I have her phone, cell and email address, too.

Ms. Weiland tried to exercise scientology’s muscles to get the manager at my residence to do something about me. They told her, however, that they have no control over me; if she or scientology has a problem with me, then they’ll have to deal with me directly. It’s my understanding that in the discussion, Ms. Weiland revealed the fact that the police had been called about my taking pictures on LRH Way while there were children in the vicinity. I actually didn’t take any pictures of children along LRH Way knowing full well that I can’t publish them. It’s well known where I live that scientology is a cult. Thanks be to God that I still have a place to call home.

Keep in mind that I found out about Ms. Weiland’s visit today, Wednesday, May 4, 2016. Nobody pulled me in for a meeting nor did anyone take me aside to find out about Ms. Weiland’s allegations. I’m afraid to report that Ms. Weiland, the Office of Special Affairs and scientology were ineffective in their attempts to discredit me and dishonor my name.

The bigger picture here is that someone has been following me. Someone who I’m “friends” with on Facebook may not be who I think he or she is, and has searched my FB page for information about where I live. Ms. Weiland’s actions prove that a silent protest in which a little magnetic sign adhered to the side of a car slowly and quietly circling PAC Base can make scientology rear its ugly head. All we want, Ms. Weiland, is for loved ones in scientology to call those they’ve left behind: their parents, their children, their extended family, their significant other, their work associates, their bosses, all the people they’ve left behind, all in the name of “clearing the planet.”

Whatever it is that scientology is afraid of doesn’t matter. All that matters is something we’re doing is getting under their skin. We are the good guys here. We are not hiding anything. We stand for justice and, of course, things like “the American Way” (since were talking about Los Angeles). But scientology is an international fraternity that moves their Sea Org slaves around like pieces on a chessboard. We don’t stand for just Americans; we stand for the rights of the disconnected, the declared and the excommunicated worldwide.

Notice that Ms. Weiland’s address doesn’t read “Church of Scientology OF Los Angeles,” because if it did, it would be the Los Angeles Organization (“LA Org”), located at 4810 W. Sunset Blvd. The Advanced Organization of Los Angeles (“AOLA”), is located at 1306 LRH Way, at the southeast corner of LRH Way and Fountain. All even-numbered addresses in Los Angeles are on the south or east side of the streets; all odd-numbered addresses are on the north or west side of the streets. If you were to walk behind AOLA, through their parking, you’d reach what most likely is the street address where Ms. Weiland can be found, at 1308 LRH Way.

Who is Janet Weiland?

Photo Caption: From the Xenu Directory, in a web site address that contains the phrase “osababes,” I found a photo of a “Janet Weiland.” “OSABabes” must refer to “babes,” or the pretty women of “OSA,” meaning scientology’s Office of Special Affairs. The same person who supplied this photo also supplied a photo of Gerry Armstrong’s wedding, complete with a full-length, much younger “Janet Weiland,” but that photo is no longer available at that website.

Who is Janet Weiland?

Photo Caption: Google images provided a photo of a “Janet Weiland” in an issue of Freedom Magazine. This issue appears to be from 2001. The photo (left to right) is the President of the Church of Scientology International (at the time), Heber C. Jentzsch; the Vice-President of the Church of Scientology International, Janet Weiland; the chief of the Los Angeles Police Department (from 1997 to 2002), Bernard Parks.

Who is Janet Weiland?

Photo Caption: At Linked In, a “Janet Weiland” describes her job as “Public Affairs at Church of Scientology International,” from 1987 to the present (29 years).

Who is Janet Weiland?

Photo Caption: From the Scientology Newsroom, we find a photo of a “Janet Weiland,” scientology’s Public Affairs representative sharing information with others on drug education provided by the so-called “church.” That same “Janet Weiland” stood proudly at the scientology tent set up at the Parliament of the World Religions, held October 2015, at the Salt Palace Convention Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. (I got into scientology, by the way, through their Mission of Salt Lake City, in 1977.) “People would line up or call ahead,” Ms. Weiland declared, “to reserve a place at the Volunteer Ministers tent to receive a scientology assist.”

Who is Janet Weiland?

Photo Caption: At the Encyclopedia Dramatica, we learn that a “Janet Weiland” used to be legend Tory “Magoo” Christman’s boss at OSA.

In closing, Janet Weiland’s interest in me has only fueled my interest in her. Suddenly, I feel so alive. I’m a Very Important Person (“VIP”) to scientology now. When do I meet Tom Cruise and John Travolta? Take me to your fearless leader, David “Let Him Die” Miscavige (so he can autograph the picture of himself on his daddy’s soon-to-be bestselling book cover).

Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear their threats; do not be frightened.” —The New Testament of The Holy Bible, 1 Peter 3:13-14.

All images (unless noted otherwise) © 2015—2016 Fred G. Haseney. All rights reserved.

I’d like to gratefully acknowledge a friend for providing editorial and proofreading chores.